Is tretinoin really effective in reducing wrinkles? Learn how to use tretinoin properly with these helpful facts and tips.
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Men and women alike can have wrinkles as early as age 25. However, in today’s time, there are a lot of anti-aging products that can readily aid and prevent the signs of aging. The signs of aging include wrinkles, fine lines, dark spots, and dull skin. Now, when it comes to tretinoin, how effective is tretinoin for wrinkles? Check out these facts and tips:
1. Tretinoin is basically known as commercial Retin A. Not all people knows this but tretinoin is derived from simple vitamin A. Moreover, tretinoin is the only topical product that is approved by dermatologists to treat photoaging. Photoaging is skin aging that result from over exposure to sun. It has also been seen that people who are regularly exposed to UV rays experience skin aging earlier than those who are seldom exposed at all.
2. Tretinoin is a prescription medication. Seldom can tretinoin be bought over-the-counter. The prescription form of tretinoin includes Differin, Renova, and Avita.
3. What can tretinoin actually do? Tretinoin can easily remove hyperpigmentations, liver spots, reduce wrinkles, remove fine lines, and smooth skin’s rough surface.
4. Tretinoin relieves the symptoms of skin aging by stimulating the production of collagen. Collagen is an essential part since it gives the skin elasticity and youthful glow. As the skin ages, collagen production gradually becomes depleted until skin becomes saggy and dull.
5. Moreover, tretinoin fights back by reducing the effects of UV radiation. However, during the treatment, the skin might become overly sensitive to sun damage. Hence, it is strictly advised that users of tretinoin must apply the product during night time and wear sunblock, with an SPF of at least 30 and above, during daytime.
6. Tretinoin users can apply the product not only on their face but on their neck, chest, forearms and wherever they deem fit. Recommended application should only be limited to once to twice a week. User might experience redness and scaling or symptoms of inflammation. This is a normal sign and experts recommend supplementary application of moisturizer or 1% hydrocortisone.
7. Users will expect results in around 2 to 6 months. If you want to use this kind of treatment, it is best that you consult with your physician first.