Monday, September 30, 2013

How Long Does it Take for Tretinoin to Work?

How long does it take for Tretinoin to work after applying it to our skin? Tretinoin is good for wrinkles, acne,and rough skin.There are proper ways to apply to feel the effects quickly.
As mentioned above, Tretinoin is effective for the skin as long we apply it right and use the right product. Aside from giving us a healthy skin, Tretinoin is also known as skin aging delayer. Tretinoin comes from Retinol. And Retinol comes from animal fats. It helps regenerate skin cells and heals damaged cells. And yes, it helps gives young and beautiful skin. The question is: how long does it take for Tretinoin to work after applying it to our skin? The answer is: it depends on how much Tretinoin you apply. Applying the right product determines the speed of the effects. Tretinoin is really effective in treating Acne and other skin problems quickly as long as it’s applied correctly.

Normally, it takes 1 to 2 months to see the desired results. And remember to put a lot of sunscreen to avoid any further damage due to UVA and UVB rays.